NONO NANA & OTHER STORIES by Diksha Pal Narayan

by Varunika
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A good book is like a spectacular ride to another world, the memories of which remain etched in your heart forever. I am always willing to take such rides!

Since the time my daughter started formal school 2 years back. I have been on the lookout for Children’s books. Of course, there is the usual Panchatantra. Then there are fairy tales likes Cinderella, Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks. And not to forget the fancy characters of Rapunzel and a Snow-white or a Frozen princess. I have stocked them all. I have read them aloud to my daughter. And now when she has reached a stage where she can read on her own, she seems to be better equipped to understand the journey of characters, their wishful thinking and the lessons they learn because of all that.

I now search for books that can help her do just that. No flamboyant stuff. No magic wands. No princesses waking up by true love’s kiss. I want her to read the real stuff. Stories that come from the normal world of another child.


The stories are authentic in every sense. All the four stories exude an Honest -to- goodness kind of charm. Every story carries an inherent message in an extremely simple yet unique way. They leave you and your child with something to mull over. And that is not the only thing which is appealing about the book.

The characters in each of the stories are of course inspired by few naughty children but that again is refreshing for the soul. Their escapades, the workings of their minds and the innocent comprehension of a particular situation makes for a delightful read. They all seem so very next door, sometimes resembling our own.

The most striking feature of the book, for me is the way it transcends across various cultures, states/countries, languages, food habits and age groups. The author has managed to integrate everything seamlessly. The mention of several cross-cultural delicacies conjures a consuming nostalgia, and we feel well fed apart from well read.

You will find Prayagraj there and a Chennai too! There is every bit of India in there and there is enough space for U.S.A too! And they all blend in just perfectly. That is the USP of this book in my opinion.

The vibrant and lucid illustrations complement the book wonderfully well.

I found the book suitable for the 4-8 age group.

If you ask me, these are the kind of books children should be reading. They carry a taste of our culture and heritage in a splendid way. Let’s give them some real food for thought apart from the age-old classics and fables.

P.S. – NONO NANA & OTHER STORIES by DIKSHA PAL NARAYAN is now available on the Kindle Store.

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