by Varunika
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I do not think I would have considered blogging if I had not stepped into the shoes of a mother. I attribute most of my blogging journey to this adventure called motherhood. As I continue to stumble and gracefully pick myself up during this glorious parenting journey, I have had several moments of euphoria, numerous epiphanies, and most of all some extremely fun anecdotes to share.

Sharing with you a recent page from my motherhood diary.

There is an interesting family movie on Netflix by the name of YES DAY. No offense to the movie, but I had the misfortune of watching it with my two little elves a few months back. By the time we finished watching the first 40 minutes of the movie, my elder one Ms. S declared looking at Jennifer Garner, you are just like her mom! As much as I would like to believe that I am equally attractive, I am afraid Ms. S didn’t mean it like that. What she meant was —

I am not a yes mother. I am more like… Nope. Nooo. Never happening kiddo! Whatever your question is my answer is No.

I am not paranoid. I am a mother. And by virtue of that, I am going to say NO. That is part of my Job! And that’s why Ms. S thought I bore resemblance to Jennifer Garner’s character in the movie.

I had this notion in my head that I was an extremely fun and interesting person; Until we watched YES DAY, that day. Looking at Jennifer Garner, it was evident that I was an extremely boring a person. Since then, Ms. S & Ms. T had been hounding me with the request of celebrating a YES DAY! Me being me, obviously never conceded to their request.

In my defense, the questions that they ask aren’t particularly pleasant. Consider this.

Q- ‘Mom, can we have a sleepover?’

A- NO. Not happening.

Yesterday I had to flush Ms. T’s poop that she had conveniently left behind post her restroom visit. What makes them think I will allow a sleepover?

Q- ‘Can we watch Tablet?’

A- NO!

Do they have the nerve to ask me that after watching Jurassic Park for the third time on TV?

Q- ‘Mom, can we have ice cream, please? Feeling hungry.’

A- NO!

Ms. S sneezed after her swimming lessons yesterday. Of course, no.

And this one is the worst.

Q – ‘Mom, can I go for that BTS concert streaming on PVR.’


The last time I celebrated her birthday she was 8! BTS Concert. Over my dead body.

So, you see, I ain’t complaining for nothing. They always come up with the wrong question!

Two days back they had a breakthrough, though.

I had been working on my manuscript late in the night and was invariably extremely sleepy post-lunch the next day. I thought a quick afternoon siesta would do me good. I switched the AC on, closed the door, switched the lights off, hit the bed, and pulled up the Dohar up to my chin. VOLLA! I was ready to enter the magical realms of a much-needed afternoon nap. I must have barely slept for 10 minutes when the little one barged in. That knocking is an option, has probably never struck the innocent little mind of Ms. T.

‘Mumma, can I have a 5-star? Please. Pretty please!’ she asked.

I did not have enough energy to open both eyes, so I opened one. There she stood beside my bed with folded hands, a bar of 5-star chocolate peeping from between them!

Chameleon. Pretty Please! What is that?

‘Yes.’ I said grumpily. I simply wanted her out of the room.

‘Yes! You said yes!’ she began bobbing up and down excitedly. Seconds later she ran away.

Her excitement was enough to activate her elder sister who came running out of her room. Now the two stood outside my room. Since Ms. T hadn’t bothered to shut the door behind her properly, I could overhear their hush-hush conversation.

She said Yes. You’re joking, right?

No didi. She said yes. I can have a chocolate.

Does she know you just pulled it out from the freezer?

She didn’t ask. But she said Yes.

Go and ask her if we can watch TV.

 Before I could get up and close the door Ms. T was standing beside my bed again following Ms. S’s command. Such a remarkable display of obedience and sisterhood!

‘Mumma, can we watch TV?  NO, youtube promise.’ The saccharine voice of Ms. T fell on my ears.

‘Yes. Go now. Please let me sleep.’ I was irritated. I wanted to sleep.

The loyal messenger went back and now there were 2 of them jumping outside the bedroom door.

Muffled voices continued plotting.

Do you think she will say Yes to a cookie?

You can try Didi.

And so, in came Ms.S.

‘Mumma, since she is eating chocolate, can I please have a cookie? Just one!’ she said handing me out her logic.

‘Yes… Yes, she can have chocolate and you can have your cookie while watching TV. Now please go. And please close the door behind you!!!’ I cried out. I was super frustrated and very sleepy.

Ms. S ran out of the room in no time. The door remained half open.

The whispering continued.

She is saying Yes to everything. Let’s ask her about….

(Spoken in each other’s ears. I couldn’t understand.)

Then some giggles.

No, she will never say Yes.

Arre, you ask na. Try.

Ok didi.

Now I was curious. This was like a litmus test for me. I had to say YES! I sat up and bid my goodbyes to sleep.

Ms. T was back in position.

‘Mumma, can we go swimming tomorrow after lunch with you?’ she asked softly.

Okkk. So that’s like a catch-22 situation. I do not know how to swim. Most of the time kids go for their swimming lessons with their father. I never tag along. I’d rather sip a cup of coffee in peace, read a book or probably write something.

‘Yes. I will.’ I gave my consent. I had to. They should know that their mother can say YES to a lot of things and is a lot of fun!

‘Yes! You said Yes!! Didi ….’ Ms. T was ecstatic.

She didn’t have to run back. Ms. S was already inside the room with eyes wide open.

‘You said Yes Mumma? Really? You will come with us?’ She was staring at me, her pupils dilated.

‘Yes. I said Yes.’ I replied, amused at myself.

‘You are the best Mumma…mmmuuaah.’ Her happiness was sealed with a kiss.

I watched both my girls giggle and wiggle around the house shouting it is a Yes Day!

So, two days back we had an unofficial YES DAY!

If you were to ask me, I still consider myself extremely interesting even if I say NO to a lot of things!



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Geethica June 28, 2023 - 1:36 PM

Every mother is a no saying lover. I bet children and husbands never learn to close the door behind them or if they close it, it’s a bang!

Varunika June 28, 2023 - 4:59 PM

Hi Geethika,

Aren’t we all the same!!!
Thank you for finding time to read 🙂.



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