by Varunika

My days as a mother of two toddlers have offered me the biggest of epiphanies, moments where I have felt the birth of another person within me, mostly a better human.

The only other time when I have had a similar breakthrough, was a couple of years ago, when I sat beside a murky pond studded with the most perfect, the most beautiful Lotus flowers.

I realized, how every night when we finally shut our eyes, the mind tends to get clogged with a lot of hogwash. There are random thoughts that approach us like the lousiest performance appraisal report. Thoughts of our unkempt houses, of the unwashed vessels in the sink, of our children turning more roguish every passing day, of the policy premium whose due date we conveniently forgot, of our waistlines that look good one day and inflate the next day, to remain so for the remaining 364 days, of how greener the grass looks in somebody else’s garden…so on and so forth. Our mundane worries seem unbending and immortal! Don’t they?

Then there is a more evolved set of questions that plunders our soul; What are we doing with our life? What is it, that can bring joy to our soul, over and above a few bucks to our pocket? What makes our ordinary journey in this life worthwhile? How do we repay this world which has accommodated our existence so gracefully? Will we ever find out the purpose behind our birth?

Struggling amidst this two-pronged view of our lives we all fall asleep, only to rise again the next morning. Whether it is a cloudy morning or a sunny one, whether the fog outside decides to settle on our window or the rain gods appear at their munificent best, we still wake up. We wake up with the tangerine rays of the sun because we need to complete the journey that left us tired the previous night. But mostly, we wake up because something within us wants to figure out the algorithm of life.

Much like the Lotus Flower. Every single night this flower submerges itself into the muddy turbid water, only to rebloom in the morning, sparkling clean, more splendid than before! It is indeed the most graceful example of resurrection.

I found a moment of joy, a sense of calm and a certain kind of strength looking at the flower, sitting beside that crummy pond, amidst the chaos in my life as a new mother.

Through The lotus flower diary, I endeavor to do the same for you.

When you find a moment to read this spacemay you also find…

A moment of joy here, despite the sorrows in your life.

A sense of peace here, amidst the many storms in your life.

And may you also discover that last thread of hope, you had been searching for, here.

Happy Reading!!