Written and Illustrated by life@ 2021

by Varunika
4 comments 454 views
  1. Include Sun Salutations in your lifestyle. Begin with one cycle. Gradually increase the number. It will bring a sense of balance to your body and peace to your mind.    
  2. Being in the company of good neighbors is a blessing like no other. But before seeking such a blessing, be one first. Be a good neighbor.
  3. Inculcate a habit of reading. There is a world waiting to be explored. There are people waiting to be understood. There are stories waiting to be read. There is magic waiting to unfold.
  4. Read with your children. Read to your children. As often as you can. Reading together is a life skill.
  5. Never sleep over a dirty kitchen. One day when some xyz virus strikes again (God forbid) and your domestic help magically disappears, you will realize how miserable it is to wake up to a messy kitchen. Always clean it before going to bed.
  6. Declutter your closet at least twice a year. Let go of things you haven’t touched in the last 6 months. If you haven’t worn something for that long, you are not going to need it in future as well.
  7. Begin your day with yourself. Spend time with yourself. Make yourself a nice cup of tea/coffee. Read a book. Exercise. Watch the sunrise. Enjoy it. The world can wait.
  8. Learn to bake a cake. For yourself. 
  9. Indulge in any one activity with your child. Doodling, painting, sketching, dancing, anything. Grow together.
  10. Have faith in the ways of the cosmos. Find something to hold on to during a rough patch.
  11. Believe in the goodness of people. Spread a word about it. The world has too many naysayers. One less will do so much more good.
  12. Get in touch with your childhood friends. When was the last time your heart and belly felt the tickle? Give yourself another chance to experience pure joys.
  13. Keep checking on people known to you. Drop a HELLO or HOW ARE YOU. It isn’t such a big thing really. But sometimes it is the only thing the other person is looking forward to.
  14. Never make the other person feel less by prying about weight, skin color, or financial woes. It harms the other person more than you can imagine. It makes you harmful. Make your conversations warm. People should feel good after talking to you.
  15. Not everything needs to be on social media. Not everything needs to grab eyeballs. Understand, there is a life beyond that. Evolve.
  16. Decision making isn’t easy. Sometimes you have to take a tough call. Pick up a piece of paper, write down your priorities. Acknowledge the difference between urgent, important and avoidable. Whatever you decide, make sure your heart agrees to it.
  17. There always exists a higher calling. One that demands willingness to pursue it. Acknowledge it, go for it.
  18. Everything in life does not demand drama. Choose your battles carefully. When you do, fight the good fight. Fight with all your might. Hold your ground, nice and proud.
  19. Your children offer you a window to look at the canvas of life with a mind free from pride and prejudice, contrary to our adult ego. Embrace this healing spirit of children as often as possible.
  20. As parents, we may not always have the right answers to the questions our children ask us. That’s ok. As long as they are coming to us with questions, and the right kind of questions, all is well. Encourage their quest for answers. They may get addled in the process, but that’s how they will decode life.
  21. Be the bigger person. In a relationship or in an argument or life in general. 


Author’s note : Ending the year 2021 with a little something to ponder over. See you on the other side of 2022.

Have a happy New Year!!! God bless us all. 

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Anonymous December 31, 2021 - 10:18 PM

Just loved this
Happy new year to u too

Varunika December 31, 2021 - 11:12 PM

Thank you ❤️

Kalyani Vaidya January 11, 2022 - 3:59 PM

So much to do from the above list….thank you.

Varunika January 12, 2022 - 10:57 AM

Good to know you found this helpful 😃


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