by Varunika
13 comments 2497 views

There are only a handful of habits that can transform your life into something meaningful. For me, it was writing. I thought I was leading a comfortable and good life built around my family and children until writing happened. Writing did not topple my world upside down. Rather, it slowly tapped into my most deep-rooted desires, and dreams; It gently touched my secret wounds and healed them. Initially, writing seemed to be a medium that helped me reflect, and share my daily interactions with my toddlers. When I started blogging in March 2020, most of it comprised of my messy motherhood journey.

Gradually, with every blog that I wrote, and every story my heart asked me to write down, it peeled a layer within me.

Almost 4 years later, I can confidently say I have evolved as an individual. So has my worldview. I now understand that I am a small yet significant part of this colossal universe. And my role is not just restricted to being a good mother or being the anchor of my family.

In 2020 I was a chance mommy blogger. In 2021 I managed to become a co-author of an anthology. The same year I conceptualised and created my blog THE LOTUS FLOWER DIARY. I also started working on a short story collection. In 2022, I published my first book WOMEN & THEIR WORLD. In 2023 I got certified as a creative writing specialist and became a part of another anthology. Simultaneously, I also began work on my second book. I hope, the book will see the light of the day, this year.

As a writer, there have been moments when I have been made aware by the readers that a blog or a story got them thinking gave them a little moment of peace, or brought them immense joy. I consider them my rewards.

Whether I write a blog a short story or a book. I feel responsible for my word. And the effect, however insignificant, it has on the world. Someone who I hugely admire once wrote to me, We are like wildflowers. Not everyone may find you. But Nature needs you to keep the woods fragrant and flourishing.

I now see a purpose to my writing. And it is this habit of mine that has also helped me reach a point in life where I feel compelled to offer more of myself to this world. Because the thing about writing is, that it does bring you closer to yourself. It makes you aware of who you are, and what you are capable of doing.

As I scrolled through the pages of various writing communities for contest updates, somewhere in November 2023, I stumbled upon the poster of the READ A STORY campaign seeking tutoring help for Reading stories to children from villages and less privileged backgrounds. For a moment I felt, the reason why nothing was making me feel excited about winning contests was probably because I wasn’t interested in participating in any. That is when I registered for the program. The aim of READ A STORY is wrapped in simplicity, novelty, and social service. All we do is conduct a reading session with young children from the villages over a Zoom call. We ask them to read, help them when they fumble, and in the process assist them not just in building their rhetoric skills but also their confidence.

I meet them twice a week for a couple of hours over a Zoom call.  While I am just a month and a few sessions old into this program, I am now beginning to see the change I am capable of bringing about. Every time I encourage a child to speak up without the fear of being judged, I see them open a little more. When I compliment them for a passage well read, I see their color and smile a little. On all such days, I feel happy and nourished in a way, no other expensive items and luxuries of my life are capable of. I sleep with the feeling that I have done something worthwhile.

One of the few goals that stare at me from the pinboard of my desk is a line:


While I shall continue reading and writing blogs, and books, educating and creating mindful readers out of children is a cause I am committed to for not just this year but for a lifetime. I may not know the road ahead but currently; I am happy with how I have embarked on this journey.

In life, you will come across many moments of success, where you may feel financially and socially accomplished. But there are very few and far between moments where you will meet life and get a chance to look beyond yourself; A moment when you realize you are nothing but a rogue piece in the big puzzle of this universe. And that it is only when you move closer to your right place that the world becomes a little more complete, and a little more beautiful.

P.S. READ A STORY is a wonderful initiative and I applaud the efforts of their entire team.



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Atish January 22, 2024 - 6:15 PM

So True… Writing is a wonderful activity. It’s unexplainable happiness.

Varunika Rajput January 23, 2024 - 7:56 AM

Thank you for dropping by!

And yes, writing is pure joy 😊.

Suchita Agarwal January 23, 2024 - 1:47 PM

I loved everything you wrote Varunika. Right from what writing has given you to how you have taken it a step further by helping others read.

Varunika January 23, 2024 - 8:39 PM

Thank you so much dear Suchita for your kind comment. I am glad you felt so 💝.

Geethica January 23, 2024 - 2:33 PM

This is a very good cause, Varunika. As we move along the right path, the goal becomes clearer.

Varunika January 23, 2024 - 8:41 PM

Yes!!!! And I hope I can do something measurable and memorable in this journey 💝.
Thank you for dropping by!

Anonymous January 24, 2024 - 2:48 PM

Your blog is not only a source of inspiration but also a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand and contribute to the betterment of society. I admire your passion and commitment to creating positive change. Great Going!!!

Varunika January 25, 2024 - 9:07 AM

Thank you so much!

Such kind words. Just doing my bit .

Manju Pal January 25, 2024 - 6:44 AM

Ur doing this job fr d betterment of societyProud to be ur mom…keep writing to encourage…..

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